FlexiSpec for WBC @ JRC Ispra
Flexispec results the ideal solution for the upgrade of the Whole Body Counter (WBC) Laboratory at the Joint Research Center in Ispra.
The WBC measurement allows to detect and quantify radioactive contaminants in human body through high-resolution gamma spectroscopy.
This application is dedicated to nuclear-site personnel or to potentially contaminated people from a nuclear accident.
The laboratory was equipped with 2 crates filled with analogical electronics, necessary to control a maximum of 6 inputs. For the update was required to manage the signal processing and the high and low power supply of:
- 3HPGe detectors,
- 4 PMTs from NaI detector. Majority logic of 3 on 4 PMTs and add-back after the majority filter
- 12 plastic scintillator detectors used as anti-cosmic veto for the previous 7 inputs
CAEN SyS is fully mastering the whole product development chain. CAEN SyS installs all the modules present in the CAEN SpA catalogue in the FlexiSpec platform and performs the customization of the software to fit the solution on the customer requirements.
The FlexiSpec platform is provided with dedicated and customized software with user friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI).
The system for the whole management of all these detectors is now fully digital and it’s placed in only one crate with more than 8 spare inputs for future upgrades
FlexiSpec platform
FlexiSpec is a flexible data acquisition platform based on Multi-Parametric Digital Pulse Processing (DPP) dedicated to spectroscopy applications. This platform allows to simultaneously control, readout and process the signals from a wide range of particle detectors combined in arrays.
In fact, FlexiSpec is able to easily manage correlation, coincidences and anticoincidences between multiple detectors, as required, for example, by advanced background rejection or anti-Compton techniques. FlexiSpec allows the user to mix and match a selection of different building blocks such as MCAs, HV power supplies, Pulse Shape Analyzers….
These building blocks are easily integrated and synchronized to build a multi-parametric, complete system tailored to customer’s specific application.